Thursday, August 14, 2008

The bad and the good news!

Well, Ken has been dealing with the cold induced neuropathy ever since his first dose of chemotherapy. He takes 2 chemo drugs; 5FU and Oxaliplatin. The Oxaliplatin is responsible for the side effect of cold induced neuropathy. As long as the neuropathy is brought on by the cold stimulus there are no worries. But after Chemo session #8 (July 23-25) Ken feet and hands started getting numb without the cold. When the neuropathy changes like this, it can become permanent. When Ken went in on Augist 6th for his 9th session of chemo and told the doctor that his fingers and toes that were still numb, the doctor decided to skip the Oxaliplatin and only give the 5FU. Ken agreed with the Doctor and seemed relieved to have a break from that drug. So almost 4 weeks without that chemo allowed Ken to eat without reprecussions, his share of a warm macademia nut cookie topped with 3 scoops of icecream. YUMMY! The doctor will decide next week whether or not Ken with receive more Oxaliplatin. I think that Ken's toes are still a little numb, so I guess we will see what the doctor says